Sunday, August 25, 2013

#CTC13--this summer's travels: five colors, five photos...all from my iPhone

For tonight, some discipline in being photographically concise--choosing just five scenes from this summer's travels...I was going through the France-and-Spain-photos on my iPhone, and then I read about the "Capture the Color" travel-photo-blogging contest...and I thought this would be a good exercise in visual-summarizing: five photos, five colors...
...and to limit myself, ONLY photos from my iPhone.

(For complete information on this contest, go to

...and as part of the process, each blogger nominates five fellow bloggers to participate; so here goes:

Robert Koehler--


When flying over the Grand Canyon, ALWAYS get a window seat...
a summer storm off in the distance, from my Tucson-Salt Lake City flight back in June,
the first leg of my flight to Paris

The Château de Chenonceau,
spanning the River Cher

For one glorious evening and morning,
this was 'our Paris'--the view from our hotel room
in Montmartre

it's a cliché, but...when driving by a field of sunflowers
in the South of France, you just have to stop and get a roadside picture;
a 'painterly' view of Castelnau-sur-Gupie, between the Garonne and Dordogne rivers

The World comes to Paris...
on the Quai Anatole France, on the Left Bank of the Seine,
a walkable world-map


Not part of  'the five,'
but this one soap-shop window-front scene 
from Barcelona could sum it all up:


  1. Wow, very creative entries, I love the green and blue for being different, great entries

    I'm inviting you to join us for Travel Photo Mondays, the link runs all week so I hope you can join us for the next installment?

    1. Hello there--thanks!
      I'd love to; how do I go about it?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
